Video Protocols

Video protocol of implantation of an EEG sensor and a pad for mounting
Видеопротокол вживления датчика ЭЭГ и площадки для закрепления мыши

The video shows the step-by-step implantation of an EEG sensor for recording an electroencephalogram of a laboratory animal, as well the implantation of a platform that allows data recording without anesthesia

Trepanation Video protocol
Видеопротокол трепанации
The video presents a method of making a burr hole, which is intended for the introduction of various substances, for example, dyes or cell suspensions. Trepanning window can also be used to visualize cerebral vessels
Skull clearing video protocol
Видеопротокол просветления черепа

The video shows the step-by-step scull clearing which allows non-invasive cerebrovascular imaging

Anesthesia video protocol
Видеопротокол наркотизации

The video illustrates the drug-based method of anesthesia in laboratory animals.

Video protocol of drug-free laser exposure to the mouse brain
Видеопротокол безнаркозного лазерного воздействия на мозга мыши

The video shows the static fastening of a laboratory animal (mouse) under a laser source.

Video protocol of glial cell suspension implantation into the brain
Видеопротокол вживления суспензии глиальных клеток в головной мозг

The video clearly shows the implantation of a suspension of glial cells into the rat brain in order to simulate glioma.

Video protocol for isolating the membranes of the brain
Видеопротокол выделения оболочек головного мозга

The video illustrates the step-by-step isolation of the meninges of the decapitated laboratory animal. Sheaths are used for confocal imaging of blood and lymph vessels.

Brain isolation video protocol
Видеопротокол выделения головного мозга

The video demonstrates the phased removal of the brain from a decapitated laboratory animal. The brain after fixation in formalin can be examined under a microscope.

Video protocol for the isolation of deep lymph nodes
Видеопротокол выделения глубоких лимфатических узлов

The video illustrates the selection of deep cervical lymph nodes necessary to study the pathways for the outflow of tracers from the brain through the lymphatic system.