Dear friends! The virtual workshop on human and animal physiology has been designed to master the physiological processes of the body and master the skills of a virtual experiment.
The program is designed to conduct an unlimited number of virtual studies in physiology, draw up protocols and obtain conclusions in 8 sections:
1. Physiology of the heart Electrical stimulation of cardiac activity Influence of neurotransmitters on the activity of the heart Effects of the vagus nerve on the activity of the heart Study of cardiac automation: Stanius ligatures
2. Physiology of blood vessels Influence of fluid pressure and viscosity, as well as the radius and length of vessels on the movement of fluid through the vessel Effect of cardiac output, peripheral resistance and vascular elasticity on blood pressure Effects of adrenaline, acetylcholine and atropine on blood pressure Measurement of blood pressure using the Korotkov sounds method
3. Physiology of the nervous system Threshold of excitability and demonstration of the phenomenon of summation of excitation Effects of anesthetics and low temperature on the action potential Determination of the conduction velocity and its dependence on the diameter of the axon, as well as on the presence or absence of myelin Central inhibition Peripheral inhibition Laws of propagation of reflexes (Pfluger's Laws)
4. Physiology of the muscular system Simple contraction of skeletal muscles Contraction of skeletal muscles as a result of the action of several stimuli The role of the neuromuscular synapse in causing fatigue Membrane resting potential Membrane action potential
5. Physiology of the respiratory system Breathing mechanism Lung volumes Effect of airway lumen radius on lung ventilation Effect of pleural pressure on lung ventilation Effect of surfactant on lung ventilation
6. Physiology of the urinary system. Demonstration of the effect of hydrostatic pressure, osmotic pressure, and the diameter of the afferent and efferent glomerular arterioles on urine formation. The effect of aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone on the rate of urine formation. The effect of glucose on the rate of urine formation.
7. Physiology of the endocrine system Effect of thyroxine, thyrotropin and propylthiouracil on metabolism Effect of insulin and alloxan on blood glucose levels
8. Physiology of the digestive system Substrate specificity of salivary amylase
Demonstration of the action of pancreatic lipase depending on the presence or absence of bile Effect of pH on the action of pepsin